
Your Year Away exists to educate and inspire United States Citizens on the absolute life-changing benefits of taking a gap year and international travel, and to equip them with the information and tools necessary to take their own gap year. 


Author of Your Year Away

What is a Gap Year?

Gap year, sabbatical, extended holiday… a gap year can be known by different names. Learn what a gap year is and how you can started planning your own.

No matter what you are or life stage you’re in, a gap year is for everyone! Learn the 5 top reasons why you should take one!

While Instagram influencers make quitting a job to travel the world seem super easy, there’s more to leaving your job.

There are so many places to travel to on planet earth. Where do you start? What do you do during your gap year? How much do you plan?

Trying to find the right resources for your gap year can be tough. Here’s a list of the top websites and apps for finding flights, passport/visa information, communicating with family and friends while abroad and more!